Bio Slide



A Truly Safe & Effective Asphalt Release Agent

*For Industrial Use Only

Bio Slide is our bio-based asphalt release agent made from soybean oil produced by American farmers. Bio slide provides a superior film coating that prevents asphalt mixes and cement from sticking to truck beds, forms, tools, drag slats, steel rollers, pavers, and patching machines. Bio Slide’s unique soybean oil formulation means no evaporation — and that equals high performance and longer lubrication!


Use Bio Slide to Prevent Sticking & Provide Lubrication in These Areas
Truck Beds & Tailgates, Paver Boxes & Shuttle Buggies, Rollers & Spreaders, Conveyors, Chains & Chutes, Concrete Forms & Molds, Tools, Patching Machines

Consider the Advantages!
Prevents Hot Mix Asphalt Build Up, Won’t Strip Oils from the Aggregates, Effective on Rubberized or Polymer Type Asphalt Mixes, Works Great on Cold-Mix, Eliminates the Use of Diesel Fuels, Biodegradable – No Soil Contamination, Safe & Harmless to Workers, No Evaporation – Longer Lubrication, Eliminates Manual Clean-Out and Scrape Time, “Ready to Use” or Dilutable

Product Specifications

  • Flash Point: 300° F
  • Solubility in Water: Emulsifiable
  • Biodegradable: Yes
  • Color: Pale Yellow
  • Odor: Neutral Aroma

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
additional options

16oz bottle, 1gl, 4x1gl case, 24 bottle case, 5gl can, 55gl drum – Please call for pricing, 330gl tote – Please call for pricing